Treehouse Designing with Technologic
Placerville, CA
Using cutting edge hardware & software
to make better designs and better tree houses
John Shulters @ Ascension Studios
Michael Shulters @ Treehouse Nation

John Shulters presenting several digital treehouse design techniques using iPad apps and other programs.
Integrating technologies will make your designing easier, and more fun! There’s nothing easier than making a pencil mark on a piece of paper, but often we need to get a little more out of our designs than just lines on a page.
“Remember the old adage “measure twice, cut once”
Getting everything right during design development is as important as during construction. Whether it’s simply adding fractional dimensions, computing complex angles, or detecting structural collisions before they occur, there are many tools available to the tree house designer to make the whole process easier and more accurate.
During this 2 day hands-on workshop, you’ll be shown several free tools that anyone can use, and you’ll also receive the training necessary to begin your design now! You’ll learn about the best digital tools used in the industry today.
Below are a few things we’ll cover in this course:
- A look into the technologist’s tool kit
- How to think in three dimensions
- How you can use free software as a starting point for your 3D design
- How advanced digital tools in skilled hands can take your design even further
- Mobile apps that can help in the field when planning, designing, and building
- How to better estimate costs of a project
- How to convey design intent to others on the project
- Ways to impress your family and friends with awesome visuals!
The cost for the workshop is $600 per person and includes the following:
- hands-on and personalized instruction
- 5 meals (Saturday – Breakfast, lunch, and dinner; Sunday – breakfast and lunch)
- local field trips
There are several area inns and hotels available (between 2 and 12 miles from the property). Optionally, camping is available on the property for an additional $50 (to be paid on arrival) and includes parking, campsite, and indoor bathroom facilities.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the individual training required, this workshop will be limited to 4 participants.
Workshop Schedule:
Day 1
Check-in & breakfast 8:00-9:00
Morning sessions 9:00-12:00
Group introductions
Greetings and Introductions
Treehouse projects
Learning goals
A look into the technologists tool kit
CAD & 3D applications
Learning how to think in 3D
Demonstrating various design solutions
Hands on with 3D games
Review treehouse books
Lunch 12:00-1:00
Afternoon sessions 1:00-4:00
Technology in the field; apps to help plan, design, and build
Site surveys using 123D Catch
Group exercise: putting it all together
Field Trips 4:00-6:00
Coloma: home of California’s gold rush
Henningson Lotus Park on the South Fork American River
Dinner & music 6:00-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-9:00
Morning sessions 9:00-12:00
Software hands-on
123D Catch: export your survey
Sketchup: plan and design your project
Revit/3ds max: take your design to the next level
Lunch 12:00-1:00
Afternoon sessions 1:00-4:00
Estimating the cost of your project
Conveying your design intent to others
Review: planning, designing, and presentation of your project
What a consultant can do for your project
Depart 4:00